Power Corrupts Essay
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Animal Farm, by George Orwell, is a complex book, which conveys a lot information. The book is basically a parallel of the Russian Revolution, but Orwell also wrote this book with, as an objective, to understand the major theme: “power corrupts“. Free canon eos digital solution disk download for mac free.
'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,' said Lord Acton generations ago. In the Greek tragedy Antigone, written by Sophocles, there was a character named Kreon, the antagonist, who was the king of Thebes. Thebes was an autocratic state where Kreon had absolute power. Throughout the course of the play, Kreon abused his privilege of absolute power; and this caused him to suffer greatly, even though he was warned by a few people of his bad deeds. What Sophocles commented on absolute power was that one should not abuse it. If it was abused, he or she had to expect bad consequences. This was indicated by what happened to Kreon when he abused his power.Kreon settled a decree that prohibited anyone from burying Polyneices'…show more content…
When given power, many people use it in selfless manners because power tends to corrupt the people who posses it. These men and women may use their power to pull funds out of their respected countries that they rule in and use it for their personal welfare and finances instead of industrializing and advancing their nation.
Others may become arrogant because of their power and not see the suffering of his or hers' own people which they rule. The past and the present has supported Lords Actions statement that 'power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' and can be clarified through many books, observations, and personal experiences.The best observation that can be made was what occurred in Iran under their new leader, Ayatollah Khomeini. He led a successful revolt on the government of the Shah of Iran in 1979. He sought along with all of his followers to purify Islam and purge all bad outside forces. When Ayatollah Khomeini was given the power to rule, many Western experts on Iranian affairs predicted that he would follow his promises and create a democratic nation. With his growing power, corruption had struck him causing him to change his idea of how he should rule. Instead of doing what most experts expected him to do, he turned the government back to what it was before (an autocratic regime) and removed all moderate leaders and political parties.
The corruption, which he had then, caused him to be very arrogant. Only after being in power for a year, Saddam Hussein and his armies attacked the new autocratic regime of Iran and began the first gulf war. Millions of men and children fought from Iran with very poor weapons. Even with heavy losses and the growing amount of social unrest, the war kept ravaging on because Khomeini kept urging it to continue. The problem simply was that the weapons used by Saddam were more modern and more powerful than the outdated weapons used by the Iranian.