Sap Logon 640 Manual
1 - SAP GUI 7.60 Patch. Delivery Schedule: 1053737 Direct link to download the patch from SAP Service Market Place: SAP GUI 7.60 Patch. 2 - BI 7.0 ADDON for SAP GUI 7.60 (also known as Business Explorer, BI Components, Frontend Patch or FEP). Does anyone know how to configure SAP Logon 640 so that the logon pad does not pop-up or appear in the system tray when the GUI is accessed via the enterprise portal?
SAP Logon
The SAP Logon is a Windows program, which you use to log on to SAP systems on your Windows PC. It mediates between the SAP system and the SAP GUI user interface. The SAP Logon displays a list of available SAP systems and automatically selects servers with the best current response times. It also allows you to modify this list of systems.
Configuration (*.ini) Files Storage
The storage of the saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files has been changed as of SAP GUI for Windows 720 (see also SAP GUI Application Data Directories ).
The storage of other SAP Logon configuration files like sapmsg.ini, saproute.ini and service files has been kept the same as in the older SAP GUI releases (for details refer to note 38119), because these files are not only used by SAP GUI, but also by other SAP components. Therefore, no changes have been made concerning the storage of these files as of SAP GUI 720.
With SAP GUI 7.20, the saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files are stored in the roaming user application directory. The default of this path is the SAPCommon directory: %APPDATA%SAPCommon
%APPDATA% stands for the environment variable specifying the application data directory located directly below the user profile directory.
The paths for Windows XP/Vista/7 are as follows:
- Windows XP: C:Documents and Settings<username>Application DataSAPCommon
- Windows Vista/7: C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingSAPCommon
The file creation process depends on whether you install SAP GUI for the first time or if you do an upgrade:
- If you install SAP GUI for Windows ≥ 7.20 the first time on a client:
- After having installed SAP GUI, you start SAP Logon for the first time. The saplogon.ini file will be automatically created in the Common directory mentioned above. Use SAP Logon to create the necessary entries. Your configuration will be saved in the corresponding newly created configuration file(s).
- If you upgrade an existing SAP GUI for Windows to release ≥ 7.20:
- After having upgraded the SAP GUI, you start SAP Logon for the first time. SAP Logon will now search for the default saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files used in the former SAP Logon release in the known locations: the SAP GUI installation or the Windows directory.
- SAP Logon will then copy the existing saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files to the Common folder, so that the former configuration details can be used again with the upgraded SAP GUI. The old versions of the *.ini files used with previous SAP GUI releases will remain in the former locations to allow going back to older SAP GUI releases, if this should ever be required. However, note that entries you added in SAP Logon as of SAP GUI for Windows 7.20 will not be added to the *.ini files in the old locations.
SAP Logon will copy the existing saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files to the Common folder only, when the file to be copied (in the SAP GUI installation or the Windows directory) is not defined as the server file. (See sectionCreating and Distributing Server Configuration Files below)
In both cases, the next time you start SAP Logon or SAP LogonPad, the Common folder provides the necessary configuration information.
If necessary, you can change the default directory paths using the Options dialog in SAP Logon. You find the necessary options under SAP Logon Options -> Configuration Files. There, also the path of your local configuration files and the names and content of the loaded local configuration files are displayed.
You can still use the command line parameter /INI_FILE= or environment variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE to make your own saplogon.ini file to be used by SAP Logon (Pad) as in the former SAP GUI for Windows releases (see the related note 38119).
The searching order of the saplogon.ini file in SAP GUI for Windows as of release 7.20 is as follows:
1. File name from command line parameter /INI_FILE=
2. File name from environment variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE
3. saplogon.ini under Path of Local Configuration Files shown in the SAP Logon Configuration Files dialog
4. saplogon.ini in the SAP GUI installation directory
5. saplogon.ini in the Windows directory
4. and 5. will only be considered at the first start of SAP Logon (Pad), if no saplogon.ini file is yet existing under Path of Local Configuration Files described in bullet 3. And the file found will be copied to the path of local configuration files for next SAP Logon (Pad) start.
The sapshortcut.ini file is always stored in the same directory as the saplogon.ini. Additionally, a new configuration file SapLogonTree.xml will be created in the same directory as the saplogon.ini in order to store the tree (folder) structure defined in SAP Logon.
If the SapLogonTree.xml is in the same path as your input saplogon.ini file and you use command line parameter /INI_FILE= or environment variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE to start SAP Logon (Pad), the tree (folder) structure defined in this SapLogonTree.xml will be used. Otherwise, a new SapLogonTree.xml will be created in the same path as the saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files used in SAP Logon. Any folder configuration in the running SAP Logon will be saved in this SapLogonTree.xml file.
In SAP Logon Pad, no configuration is possible and, therefore, no configuration files will/should be modified in this path. If SapLogonTree.xml does not exist and cannot be created due to, for example, authorization issues, no tree structure can be displayed in SAP Logon (PAD). An error message box will be shown and SAP Logon (Pad) will be terminated.
- The value for command line parameter /INI_FILE= or environment variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE should contain a full path and a file name, as for example, /INI_FILE=C:tempsaplogon1.ini.
- If different saplogon (SAPShortcut) *.ini files are to be used, the ini files should be stored in different folders due to the configuration file SapLogonTree.xml. For example,
- _/INI_FILE=C:tempconfig1saplogon1.ini (_and)
- /INI_FILE=C:tempconfig2saplogon2.ini
This way, the corresponding SapLogonTree.xml files can be created respectively.
In this example, SapLogonTree.xml in folder C:tempconfig1 corresponds to C:tempconfig1saplogon1.ini and SapLogonTree.xml in folder C:tempconfig2 corresponds to C:tempconfig2saplogon2.ini.
Creating and Distributing Server Configuration Files
This section describes how you can provide SAP Logon server configuration files for your users.
Proceed as follows to create and distribute the server configuration file(s):
1. Start SAP Logon with parameter /INI_FILE=[Path][name], for example:
saplogon.exe /INI_FILE=N:730testsaplogon.ini
Home depot hours. or
saplogon.exe /INI_FILE=ServernameCSN2012730testsaplogon.ini
where [Path] is the place for saplogon.exe to create and save the server (central) configuration files for your users, like SapLogonTree.xml, saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini.
The files saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini can be old ini files you used in a former SAP GUI version. If they are missing before starting SAP Logon, they will be created by SAP Logon.
The SapLogonTree.xml file will also be created. If it is already existing, for example, in case you restart SAP Logon, it will be reused.
2. After the SAP Logon window appears, add folders and entries as needed.
3. Terminate SAP Logon.
The configuration files *.xml and *.ini under the folder given by the /INI_FILE= parameter are ready to be used by your users as server configuration files.
4. If the users start SAP Logon (Pad) with /INI_FILE= command parameter or environment variable SAPLOGON_INI_FILE as in the older SAP GUI releases (see note 38119), only these central files will be used as so far.
5. Your users can also use both the server and their own local configuration files together. This can be configured in the following ways:
a. You create the registry key ConfigFileOnServer for your users on their local machines as follows (note that the same key value ConfigFileOnServer under current user HKCU must be deleted if existing):
'ConfigFileOnServer” ( REG_EXPAND_SZ) with server file name as value data, for example, ServernameCSN2009720testSapLogonTree.xml. (The string can also contain unexpanded references to environment variables like %PATH%).
b. Or you let your users run saplogon.exe, open SAP Logon option dialog, and input the XML file name with the full path in the field XML Configuration File on Server in the Configuration Files dialog. The setting will be written to the Windows registry as Expandable String Value 'ConfigFileOnServer' under current user HKCU:
For SAP Logon (saplogon.exe), the setting under HKCU has higher priority.
For SAP Logon Pad (saplgpad.exe), the setting under HKLM has higher priority.
After that, your users can start SAP Logon by clicking the installed SAP Logon icon on the desktop.
The folders and entries defined on the server side will be shown together with the local configuration.
6. In all cases, you still distribute the sapmsg.ini, saproute.ini and service files to your users’ local PC as in the older SAP GUI releases. For information how to do this, refer to the Frontend Installation Guide.
7. If you want to distribute the server configuration files to another place, you copy the existing server configuration files to the new place. Then, edit the .xml file to change the path for saplogon.ini or/and sapshortcut.ini file(s) in the following lines:
<File type='Connections' name='..' /> or
<File type='Shortcuts' name='..' />
The registry value for 'ConfigFileOnServer' or the input for the field Configuration File on Server in the SAP Logon option dialog must be adjusted correspondingly.
You can distribute the server configuration files on an HTTP server. For this, you set the URL for XML Configuration file on server according to bullets 4 or 5 above:
http://../SapLogonTree.xml and/or input the URL for the saplogon.ini and sapshortcut.ini files in the XML file like in bullet 7:
<File type='Connections' name='http://../saplogon.ini' />
<File type='Shortcuts' name='http://../sapshortcut.ini' />
Active Directory (LDAP) Support
For information on LDAP support see note 608781.
Maintaining System Entries without *.ini/Service File
In SAP Logon, users can maintain (system) connection entries for the Group/Server selection in the Wizard without the local sapmsg.ini and service files existing on their PCs. For more information, see the SAP GUI End User Guide.
Disabling SAP Logon Views via Registry
You can set up the SAP Logon in such a way, that some of the three standard SAP Logon views (Explorer/List/Tree view) are not visible for the user.
To disable any of the three available SAP Logon views, create the following registry keys:
“ShowExplorerView” (REG_DWORD) = 0 (disables the explorer view in SAP Logon)
“ShowListView” (REG_DWORD) = 0 (disables the list view)
“ShowTreeView” (REG_DWORD) = 0 (disables the tree view)
In standard mode, at least one view needs to be enabled.
In accessibility mode, the list view has to be enabled.