
Pirate Hat And Eye Patch Craft

1 Jan 2000admin

Paper Pirate Hat Crafts Ideas For Kids. Make a Felt Play Pirate Eye Patch - DIY Crafts - Guidecentral. How to make an Easy Felt Pirate Eye Patch // Halloween Custom DIY Accessory. Arrr me hearties! Learn how to make a Swashbuckle pirate hat and eyepatch with Rebecca and Dodge. Great for a fancy dress party or to help your little one get ready for a Swashbuckle adventure!

Black craft foam,black string or yarn,hole punch,white fabric paintThe essential pirate wear!Eyepatch:Trace an oval shape on the craft foam (big enough to cover your child's eye) - and then cut out the shape. Punch two holes on either side. Measure and cut a length of string to fit around your child's head (leaving enough to make two knots).

Lace the black string through and knot on each side.Pirate hat:Trace a pirate hat shape onto a piece of black craft foam - use the picture to get an idea of the shape. Put the hat up to your child's head and mark where the holes should be. Use the holepunch to make the holes.

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Measure and cut a length of string that will fit around your child's head and secure to the hat.Note: you can use black construction paper instead of the craft foam, but it won't be as sturdy or as comfortable.

. Step 1 Download and print out the template provided. We suggest printing onto cardboard as this provides a great surface for decorating.

Step 2 Before beginning, carefully use a box cutter to slice along the 2 solid lines within the pirate hat. These will be needed to attach the head band later on.

Step 3 Use paint, markers or pencils to decorate the template. If needed, allow to dry and then cut out the pieces. Step 4 If you wish to add a touch of gold bling to your hat, use glue dots to attach gold tinsel chenille stems around the outside border. Step 5 Measure the long strip around your head. You may need to cut and decorate 2 strips and glue them together.

It needs to fit all the way around your head with each end finishing approximately 10cm in front of your ears. Step 6 Slide one end of the strip through one of the slits, fold flat and secure with glue. Allow to dry and do the same with the other side. You can adjust the size as needed to fit your head.

Step 7 Use a pin to create a hole at the top left and right hand corners of the eye patch. Step 8 Cut a length of elastic that will fit comfortably around your head and then thread and tie an end each through each of the holes. Step 9 You’re hat and eye patch arrrrrrrr now ready for a trip on the high seas!