Install Slax Hd
Table of Contents
How to Install SliTaz to a USB Flash Drive using Windows. SliTaz Linux is a tiny and very fast running free operating system that can be run entirely from system memory. Founded by Christian Lincoln, SliTaz is one of the smallest portable Linux distributions available and can be stored and run directly from a USB key or other removable media. SLAX is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system having a modular approach and exceptional design. In spite of the fact that it is small, Slax gives a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical user interface and handy recovery tools for any system administrator.
- Slax Installation
- USB Installation
- HD frugal install without touching MBR
- Which version
- How to run Slax with WindowsXP
- BSDIFF for Slax 6.0.3
- BSDIFF for Slax 6.0.3
- Fat 16 formatted flash drive,
- untarred the tar onto the flash drive and a
- ./boot/
and everything was fine.
documented on: May 04, 2007, flux
If you don't want to touch MBR of your HD,
- Fat 16 formatted HD partition, make it active
- untarred the tar onto the partition
- cd /mnt/hda3, ie the partition that we are working on
- ./boot/syslinux/syslinux -d boot/syslinux /dev/$(basename $(pwd))
documented on: 2007.06.27, xpt
What this scripts do?Install FIDOSlax to USB stick with FAT, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3 partiton and make this partiton bootableInstall FIDOSlax to HDD formatted with FAT, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3 partiton make this partiton bootableInstall FIDOSlax to HDD with already installed Windows on partion with FAT, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3 and create boot menu for Linux and WindowsHow to add this installation manager to Portues?Just extract grubinst-0.4.tar.gz to boot directory of PorteusIt will create boot/grubinst directoryHow to install to USB-stick on Windows?1. Copy porteus and boot directories to USB partion2. Open Command Prompt - cmd.exe and change drive to USBE:3. Change directory to boot/grubinstcd boot/grubinst3. Run installation scriptgrub2usb.batHow to install to USB-stick on Linux?1.
Copy porteus and boot directories to USB partion2. Open terminal, change directory to USB boot/grubinstcd /mnt/media/boot/grubinst3. Run installation script./grubinst.shHow to install to HDD together with Windows XP/NT/2000/Windows 2003 installed?Boot with Windows XP/NT/2000/Windows 20031. Copy porteus and boot directories to HDD partion2. Open Command Prompt - cmd.exe and change drive to HDD partitonC:3. Change directory to boot/grubinstcd boot/grubinst4.
Run installation scriptgrub2xp.batHow to install to HDD together with Windows 7/Vista installed?Boot with Windows Windows 7/Vista1. Copy porteus and boot directories to HDD partion2. Charles proxy free for mac. Open Command Prompt - cmd.exe and change drive to HDD partitonC:3. Change directory to boot/grubinstcd boot/grubinst3. Run installation scriptgrub2win7.batHow to install to HDD together with Windows 7/Vista/XP/NT/2000/Windows2003 installed?Boot FIDOSlax Linux from USB-stick1.
Copy porteus and boot directories to HDD partiton2. Change directory to target installationcd /mnt/sdNX/boot/grubinst3.
Run installation script./grubinst.shBootsplash image could be activatged at menu.lst file at partiton to boot.For creation you own bootsplash image use Gimp image 14 color Indexed 640x480, save to to boot/grubinst and i.bmp and convert to i.xpm.gzBy default image is deactivated. Brokenman wrote:Nice job!I believe that anyone booting into linux would have few problems installing Porteus to any media. It's the windows users i think need this sort of thing. What is you view of installing a live OS to hard disk. I think decompressing Porteus to hard disk is just wasting your time but i have no problem running it frugally from HD. It's how i use it.
Depending on popular opinion i think we incorporate a HD installer such as this.I agree with both comments:1) Frugal install is a great way to work with Porteus.(I also work with zenlive and salix frugal installs)2) With a gui, grubinstall for Porteus (frugal) would be a great asset.Posted after 2 days 6 hours 14 minutes 48 seconds:I just tried falcony's grubinst on my laptop to install Porteus on sda6. This is great and as simple as it could be. I like it a lot as it is (no need for the gui).
So we just have the bootloader that we were looking for (finally, really not necessary)@falcony: Is it possible to use grub-mkconfig or update-grub to get a menu.lst for the systems already installed on the computer. You are a great asset for Porteus. @falcony:I know that that the update-grub command on ubuntu or mint which use grub2, will generate a new menu.lst taking into account the different os on the hdd, that is windows, ubuntu, debian, mint, slackware.
The problem is that it does not recognize slax or porteus. I just thought update-grub to be a nice feature, I was just wondering if it was some kind of universal command.I was wondering if the command update-grub worked for both grub legacy as much as for grub2, or if it was a command proper to ubuntu only? Mepis system assistant is a grub repair tool that will fix grub and refresh the menu.lst for grub legacy.For example, I recently installed mint on one of my computer partition (sda2). Mepis was already installed on sda9, and mepis had install grub legacy on mbr, and thus was controling the multipartition booting with menu.lst. The problem with mint (and alike ubuntu) is that it will install automatically grub2 on mbr and will thus provide you with grub.cfg, with which I am really not familiar. With the mepis 8.5 live cd, all I had to do is to boot and for mepis system assistant to reinstall grub legacy and tie it with the mepis installation on sda9.I would like to see such a tool on porteus.
However, I do not know where to get the source for that option. I am trying to use your installation tool from usb (grubinstall works perfectly from hdd alone). I get the following problem when I try to install grub on my sdb1 (usb), it seems to be caught into a loop.Checking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sdaChecking HDD drive sda.Am I alone to have this problem?I know there is some way to hide sda, unmounting partitions does not seem to be enough. Maybe before I get back to that post someone here will provide the solution.