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1 Jan 2000admin

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Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono dikenal sebagai seorang psikolog dan penerjemah buku-buku bertemakan psikologi dan menulis buku psikologi. Ia pernah menjadi Dekan Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia (1997-2004).Beliau menempuh Pendidikan Sarjana S1-nya di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1968, kemudian mengambil Diploma in Community Development di University of Edinburg, Scotland Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono dikenal sebagai seorang psikolog dan penerjemah buku-buku bertemakan psikologi dan menulis buku psikologi. Ia pernah menjadi Dekan Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia (1997-2004).Beliau menempuh Pendidikan Sarjana S1-nya di Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia pada tahun 1968, kemudian mengambil Diploma in Community Development di University of Edinburg, Scotland pada tahun 1973. Setelah itu, beliau mengambil program doktor di UI dan University of Leiden.Disertasinya yang berjudul “Perbedaan Antara Pemimpin & Aktivitas dalam Gerakan Protes Mahasiswa” mengantarkannya mengambil gelar doktor pada tahun 1978.

Dear readers and future authors,We are excited to announce that Jurnal Psikologi (JPsi) is in the evaluation process of being indexed by Scopus. Aryans ankho me tera chehra mp3 320kbps. With the spirit of reaching a wider and global audience through this new development, a few changes will be made in relation to the publication process.Starting from 2020, Jurnal Psikologi will only be publishing papers in English. However, we will continue accepting submissions in Bahasa Indonesia. Our committee will return the papers to its respective authors to be translated from Bahasa Indonesia to English once it has been accepted and before it is published.There will also be a slight increase in the authors' fees. The author publishing charges for this journal will be 1.500.000 IDR to be used for administrative and language editing processes.We ensure that these changes are made for the betterment of all contributing authors, subsequently contributing to a global impact. We thank you for your continuous support towards Jurnal Psikologi and we look forward to receiving your manuscript submissions in the near future!Sincerely, Editorial Board of Jurnal Psikologi. Jurnal Psikologi is constantly seeking reviewers who are passionate about supporting and upholding rigorous standards in the production of quality articles at the forefront of psychological research.

We believe that both authors and reviewers play an equally essential role in reaching the highest standards of an academic article.Descriptions of a reviewer’s responsibility can be seen. If you are interested in contributing as a reviewer, please kindly complete the application form.We look forward to welcoming you to our team! Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing novel research in the field of psychology. Details on our focus and scope can be viewed.

Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) is published three times a year April, August, December and accepts current research articles that have the potential to make a significant contribution to the exploration and development of psychology and behavioral sciences. Articles submitted to this journal must display a well-thought-out study design, appropriate data analysis, and interpretation.Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi) has been accredited by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency of Republic Indonesia with Second Grade (Sinta 2),. This journal is also acknowledged by the ASEAN citation index and DOAJ.Jurnal Psikologi (jpsi), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta is in collaboration with,.Jurnal Psikologi ISSN (online) ISSN (print).